Video Conference Solution

Through the in-depth understanding of quality of voice and video, combined with flexible traffic routing control strategies, ijSun provides optimization for the enterprises concurrency and long-distance audio and video communications requirements.

Voice and video challenges

– UCaas统一通信服务是基于Internet,而语音和视屏这种企业实时业务,对链路质量的要求极高。在互联网环境下经常出现视频卡顿、画面模糊、马赛克、音画不同步,共享桌面不刷新等问题

- Even in a dedicated line environment, if multiple video conferences happen at the same time, due to the limited bandwidth of the dedicated line, the smoothness of the live video cannot be fully guaranteed;

- The problem is more serious in the case of long-distance transmission across regions.


Companies can deploy ijSun branch equipment in various branches or at homes.

- ijSun SD-WAN software can identify more than 3000 applications, including common video communication applications, ZOOM, Skype, Poly, Tencent, etc.

- Through the screening of video applications, ijSun CPE can send video applications to the link with the best SLA among all links

- ijSun SD-WAN can also bundle multiple links to provide higher available bandwidth. In addition, through packet cloning, when a certain line loses serious packets, another link will compensate for the loss.

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